How to load descriptions and photos

How to load descriptions and photos


Hover over the “Suppliers” icon and select “Database”.

Use the filters to search for the required Supplier.
Once you have found the desired supplier, click on the “Edit service” button to open the Supplier’s service. This can be done by either clicking on the name of the service, or by clicking on the “Edit Service” icon:

By default, Nextour will open on the "Rates" Tab. Select the “Description & Photos” Tab:

Insert the name of the Property or Service, as well as the description in the appropriate fields.
Click “Save”.
Then complete the same steps for the additional languages as required ensuring that you click “Save” after each language.

**There is an option for automatic translations to be done via an API with DeepL Translator. Please contact us for further information.

If this feature has been enabled, when you click “Save”, a pop-up will appear asking which languages to translate your text into.

Select “No” if you do not want to change any other languages.

If you select “Yes”, you will then choose which languages you want to translate. Any descriptions that have already been loaded are indicated with “Text existing” which can then be left or changed by ticking or unticking each block as required.


Find one to three photos which fit the dimensions 800x600px minimum, as well as one which is 1024x768px minimum.

Click on the “Edit Photo” button. A new page will open as follows:

Click “Upload”. Select the file you would like to insert and click “Open”.
The page will display the picture. If you are happy with the layout etc, click “Accept”.
The same process can be followed for up to three images that are 800x600, plus one of 1024x768. You are able to use as many or as little as you choose.

To remove a photo, simply click on the “Delete” button.
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