How to convert a quote into a booking

How to convert a quote into a booking

Select the “Quotes” Tab from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

Search for and open the desired quotation. On the “General Information” Tab, select the version you would like to be converted into a booking.

Click “Create Booking”:

A new window will open. Select the leg you wish to convert, as well as the number of pax if it is a Pax Banded quote:

Click “Save & Close”.

Another new window will open asking if you would like to create a confirmed or provisional booking:

Provisional Booking:
Used when the client is not yet sure whether to confirm or not, but would like to hold the accommodation space.
Confirmed Booking: Used when a client is decisive about confirming the booking.

If you choose to create a provisional booking, a new window will open showing the provisional booking number:

The booking will now appear under the “Bookings” Tab.

If you choose to create a confirmed booking, a new window will open asking you to confirm the information. Be sure to click the 3 coloured dots to select the appropriate product:

The booking will now appear under the “Bookings” Tab, and will now include an analytical number.

Once the quotation has been converted into a booking (provisional or confirmed), you are no longer able to work on the version of the quotation being converted.
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