Functionality & explanation of icons
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Explanation of icons on the home page
The opening screen will display the menu bar as follows:
How to update a booking from a quote
Explanation: If a booking needs to be updated with additional information or amendments, it is advisable to perform these changes on the original quotation. Select the “Quotes” Tab from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Search for and ...
How to view Supplier’s details (outside profile)
Hover over the “Suppliers” icon and select “Database”. Use the filters to search for the required Supplier. The desired Supplier will be featured on the left-hand side window, and details will be featured on the right-hand side window: By default, ...
How to add or remove days
Under the “Program Detail” Tab, on the left-hand side of the screen next to each day, the following icons are used to add or remove days: Delete Day: Use this button in order to delete an entire day from your itinerary. You are able to select the ...
How to create a new quote
Select the “Quotes” Tab from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, and click on the “New” button: A blank quote template will now open in the “General Information” Tab: Complete each field as necessary: Document No: Do not fill this in – The ...